JMU JMU - Department of Computer Science
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Homework Assignment Policies

1 Purpose of Homework Assignments in this Course

In this course, the primary purpose of homework assignments is instructional. That is, the primary purpose of homework assignments is to give you an opportunity to learn the material that is covered in the course.

Nonetheless, homework assignments will be graded (and may be graded strictly). There are two reasons for this. First, the grades will provide you with an assessment of how well you know the material. Second, experience has shown that students do not always make decisions that are in their own best interest, and often do not complete ungraded assignments.

2 Collaboration

Different courses have different policies about collaboration. This document describes the policy for Prof. Bernstein's sections of this course during this semester only. Be careful to understand and comply with the policies that are in place for your other courses.

2.1 Allowed Interactions

You may get help on homework assignments only from the instructor(s) for this course and other students that are taking the this course with you.

2.2 Recommended Interactions

You are strongly encouraged to discuss homework assignments with the instructor(s) only, and to submit work that is entirely your own.

Assistance can be a crutch that actually hinders learning. You will be much more successful at learning the material in this course if you complete the homework assignments independently [with, perhaps, assistance from the instructor(s)]. Though you may lose some points on the homework assignments if you take this approach, it will almost certainly help you on exams (which are a much larger portion of the final grade).

2.3 Courtesy/Etiquette

Though you are entitled to discuss the homework assignments with other people, you must be courteous.

Most importantly, students are not required, or even encouraged, to provide assistance. So, if asked, you should feel free to decline such a request and, if asking, you must not take offense if such a request is denied.

In addition, the instructor(s) may not provide as much assistance as you want. Most frequently, this happens when they think the assistance you have requested will prevent you from learning an important concept. Sometimes, this happens when they think you are using too much of their time. Again, you must not take offense if a request is denied.

3 Materials

You may use your notes and any books/published materials while working on homework assignments.

You may not refer to solutions and/or answer guides of any kind (including: solutions to homework assignments or exams that were provided to students in other sections and/or semesters and/or universities; instructor's manuals; and/or lists of "worked problems").

4 Delivery

Each homework assignment will be delivered as a Canvas "quiz". It will become available (as an "assignment") shortly after we have completed the material that it covers and will remain available until the due date/time.

5 Due Dates/Times

Unless stated otherwise, homework assignments must be submitted on or before the due date and time. Homework assignments submitted after the due date/time will not be accepted.

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